Borderlands Offline Installer
F 21:14, October 26, 2011 (UTC) Yeah, I finally got around to sending a message to GBX and they replied w/ really helpful info, it installed perfectly and runs, so i decided to get the oasis and TCN, but when I go to load TCN it just stops working (i do have dr.. Did you ever have any version of borderlands for installed? Dr F 12:24, October 7, 2011 (UTC) nope this was going to be my first install, but then that happened, so I came here and 2k support for help.. Also you might try and see if steam will acept the key(s) If it does that might be easier and avoid the securom thing. Arabic dance music
F 21:14, October 26, 2011 (UTC) Yeah, I finally got around to sending a message to GBX and they replied w/ really helpful info, it installed perfectly and runs, so i decided to get the oasis and TCN, but when I go to load TCN it just stops working (i do have dr.. Did you ever have any version of borderlands for installed? Dr F 12:24, October 7, 2011 (UTC) nope this was going to be my first install, but then that happened, so I came here and 2k support for help.. Also you might try and see if steam will acept the key(s) If it does that might be easier and avoid the securom thing. ae05505a44 Arabic dance music
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